This casualty simulation kit, with a focus on head and chest trauma, consists of strap-on and stick-on wounds from many of Simulaids? other kits. Its purpose is to augment the use of the PHTLS Trainers. Kit contains the following components:
? Blood Powder, 3 Pk.
? Coagulant Blood, 4 oz.
? Spirit Gum 1 oz. w/Brush
? Open Rib Fracture
? Open Humorous Fracture
? Exposed Denture Avulsion
? Open Skull Fracture
? Burned Face
? Large Road Rash
? Burn Chest, 2nd & 3rd Degree
? Broken Clavicle w/Contusion
? Abdominal w/Protruding Intestines
? Intermediate Wound ?Flake?
? Intermediate Wound, Round
? Shotgun Wound
? Close Shotgun Wound
? Contact Shotgun Wound
? Screwdriver Wound
? Single Edge Wound
? Double Edge Wound
? Bunny Ears
? Contact Wound
? Small Exit Wound
? Contact Hand Gun Wound
? Ice Pick Wound
? Skin Tite & Thi-vex Kit
? Instructions
? Carry Case